Meeting Climate Change Challenges in Transboundary Basins: Role of Sciences

Meeting Climate Change Challenges in Transboundary Basins: Role of Sciences

  • United Nations University (UNU) conducts international river basin research to assist riparian countries in coping with global changes.
  • Development efforts in international river basins often lack coordination between upstream and downstream areas.
  • There are gaps in the flow of information to government decision makers, affected communities, and across national boundaries.
  • UNU, in collaboration with Asian partners, organized discussion workshops and two transboundary symposiums: the International Symposium on the Role of Water Sciences in Transboundary River Basin Management in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, and the International Symposium on Transboundary Water and Environment Security for Asian International Rivers in Yunan Dali city, China.
  • The workshops and symposiums aimed to establish a Research Network for researchers and practitioners from all riparian countries to exchange information and collaborate on water management issues.
  • The executive committee of the Research Network identified Water Security, Flood Disaster Reduction, and River Ecology as the priority areas for future focus.
  • Various research activities have been conducted under the umbrella of transboundary cooperation.
  • This volume comprises research papers focused on the priority areas, including studies on understanding climate change impacts through observations and model studies, with the goal of identifying regional adaptation strategies.

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