Towards Resilient Agriculture Production in Rural Asia
The United Nations University is conducting a three-year research project supported by Japan's Environment Research and Technology Development Fund. The project, spanning 2011-2013, aims to analyze traditional and modern agricultural systems in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. The research seeks to understand the strengths, weaknesses, and resilience of these systems and propose practical solutions to enhance their productivity and efficiency.
CECAR-ASIA kick-off workshop in Vietnam
The vibrant city of Hanoi hosted an exciting workshop that marked the launch of the CECAR-ASIA project, a collaborative effort between VNU, University of Tokyo, UNU-ISP, and RINH. The workshop showcased various highlights:
- A strong emphasis on sustainability and addressing climate impacts.
- Unveiling the visionary concepts and comprehensive plans of the project.
- Sub-theme 1 delving into adapting biological production to the changing climate and ecosystems.
- Shining a spotlight on the significance of local research collaboration for fisheries in Vietnam.
- Unveiling a fascinating framework that harnesses traditional knowledge and technology to enhance resilience.
- The unveiling of an ingenious plan to foster crop production in harmony with biodiversity conservation.
- Exploring climate change impact information and identifying potential research areas in Vietnam. The presentation of captivating potential field sites in Ba Vi and Giao Thuy districts added to the intrigue.
The event concluded with an engaging discussion aimed at refining objectives and methodologies, with a strong focus on bolstering community resilience in the face of global change challenges.
CECAR-AISA kick-off workshop in Sri Lanka
The CECAR-ASIA project kickoff workshop in Sri Lanka, hosted by the University of Peradeniya, covered the following key points:
- Structural plan focusing on ancient irrigation and traditional homegardens
- Research presentations on traditional knowledge and technology
- Emphasis on collaboration, resilience, and re-evaluation of traditional practices
- Application of the Stochastic Frontier Model for adapting to climate and ecosystem changes
- Plans for a hybrid system combining traditional and modern approaches
- Homegarden studies conducted by the team
- Concept of resilience illustrated with a "BIG DOG" metaphor
- Exploration of the "Kandyan homegarden" system's history, ecology, and social aspects
- Discussion on the GIAHS initiative and three traditional Sri Lankan agricultural systems
- Engagement in future research needs and detailed project planning.
CECAR-ASIA kick-off workshop in indonesia
During the CECAR-ASIA project kickoff workshop at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia, the following key points were addressed:
- Extensive discussions on collaborative research focused on traditional bio-production systems in Indonesia.
- Introduction of the "Triple E" concept, emphasizing Ecology, Equity, and Economy as crucial factors in environmental management.
- Ecology focuses on sustainable environmental conservation, Equity considers social dynamics and conflicts, and Economy guides value-added efforts and welfare improvement.
- Each aspect plays a role in the livelihood perspective, particularly regarding land suitability and water supply for agricultural production.